Low infill for decretive partsStandard infillHigh infill for tough partsSolid infill for maximum strength PLA+ | RedPLA+ | BlackPLA+ | BluePLA+ | BrownPLA+ | GoldPLA+ | PinkPLA+ | SkinPLA+ | PurplePLA+ | Light BluePLA+ | Peak GreenPLA+ | SilverPLA+ | GreyPLA+ | MagentaPLA+ | Pine GreenPLA+ | Fire Engine RedPLA+ | Olive GreenPLA+ | YellowPLA+ | GreenPLA+ | Light BrownPLA+ | ClearPLA+ | NaturalPLA+ | Bone WhitePLA+ | Dark BlueASA | Jet BlackASA | OrangeASA | Signal WhiteNylon | StandardNylon | Carbon Fibre ReinforcedPolycarbonate | Jet BlackPolycarbonate | NaturalPETG | Solid SilverPETG | Solid GreenPETG | Solid BluePETG | Solid BlackPETG | Solid GreyPETG | Solid WhitePETG | Fire Engine RedSL1 - Tough Resin - whiteSL1 - Tough Resin - BlackTPU | BlackTPU | WhiteTPU | Transparent RedTPU | Transparent BlueTPU | Transparent YellowTPU | GreyTPU | Transparent OrangeTPU | Transparent GreenTPU | TransparentTPU | CaramelTPU | Transparent PurpleTPU | Transparent PinkTPU | EmeraldTPU | Transparent TealTPU | Transparent VioletTPU | Transparent CoralTPU | Liquid LusterTPU | Mango MojitoTPU | Galaxy BlueTPU | Neon YellowTPU | Neon CyanTPU | Kaoss PurpleZ-ABS+ | BlackZ-ABS+ | SilverZ-ABS+ | White Prusa MK3sResin | Prusa SL1 No coating 0%10%We select the optimal infill for your part50%75%100% mminch Material Volume: cm3 Support Material Volume: cm3 Box Volume: cm3 Surface Area: cm2 Model Weight: g Model Dimensions: x x cm Number of Shapes: Total Path: cm Print Time (hh:mm:ss): Javascript error. Analyse Add to cart Happy uploading!