
Please note: Apple Devices / All Mobiles and Tablets are not supported by our Upload system.
If you are experiencing login issues when entering your email or phone number please click the following link:
Phaser3D Standalone Uploader or please send your .stl files to us via email to hello@phaser3d.com.au

If you are combining with a Phaser FPV order please follow these important steps in order.

If you do not complete the above steps it is likely your PhaserFPV order will ship without your custom print order!
1. Place a custom printer order on Phaser3d.com and select ” Combine with Phaser FPV Order” as your shipping method.
2. Place your PhaserFPV Order AND add order note at checkout “combine with phaser3d order”
3. EMAIL US at hello@phaserfpv.com.au and ask for your orders to be combined.


Copyright © 2019 Phaser3D, owned and operated by PhaserFPV. See www.phaserfpv.com.au for more.